Thursday, June 17, 2010

How to Get Babysitting Jobs In My Area

Are you a babysitter who's wondering, "How can I find babysitting jobs in my area?" It can be a challenging to get yourself established as a trustworthy and reliable babysitter. But it's not too difficult, if you know the right steps to follow. Read on for how to land your first babysitting job.

•Step 1
The easiest way to get your first babysitter job is to take a baby sitting course. Not only will it prepare you for the first time you care for children, it will also make potential clients more confident and comfortable with you. You can often sign up at your local library or YMCA. If not, look online for internet training.

•Step 2
You'll be even more likely to get babysitting work if you learn CPR or First Aid through the Red Cross. Parents find these qualifications invaluable.

•Step 3
Before you try getting babysitter work with strangers, get some experience under your belt by watching young family members. Looking after younger siblings or cousins counts! Many times relatives will leave their children with a younger babysitter, if they know they can trust you. Ask your relatives to refer you (and put in a good word) to their friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

•Step 4
If you have friends, who watch the same children regularly, ask if you can go along on their next babysitting job so you can gain some valuable experience. Always, be sure to check with the clients before you just show up with you friend. You can also ask your friends to refer you if they can't take a babysitting job.

•Step 5
If you're still having trouble landing your first babysitting job there's no shame in posting flyers. Make posters that have removable tabs at the bottom, so people can rip one off and call you. Tack up your babysitter listing in womens' locker rooms, daycares, church nurseries and cry rooms, and the grocery store. Always, be sure to ask the business if you can advertise on their property.

•Step 6
You can also look through, and answer, online babysitting listings. Websites like and are a good place to start to find babysitting jobs in your area! Both sites connect babysitters with people who are looking for someone to watch their children.

•Step 7
Don't forget to look on community message boards and craigslist. Parents, who have never hired a babysitter before and don't have family nearby, may post ads here looking for a baby sitter. If you answer the babysitting listings honestly you'll have a few jobs lined up in no time! Just be ready to go for an interview and provide references (teachers, youth counselors, coaches, girl scout leader). Any responsible parent wouldn't hire a babysitter over the phone or without a lot of questioning.

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